

Have your own contacts always easily UP-TO-DATE and IN CONTROL

Company information PRIvate-NETwork

Mission of PRI-NET > your PRIvate NETwork 
Founded in 2015, PRI-NET gives people easy access to right, current and more information about their own contacts then they can reach or see nowadays. The information is available wherever you want it to be on all devices which are connected to the internet. 
Your information need to be secure, so you don’t need to worry about giving your contacts more information about yourself and your surroundings. 
PRI-NET is created for you. We will not send push messages whatsoever, only you can send a personal request to your contacts to expand your network. Of course the website and application will be more useful when more contacts of you will join PRI-NET. 
In the future, when PRI-NET will be established, we will have more possibilities to help our worlds ecology and make the world a better/nicer place. Wrong and too much uncertain mail digitally and physically can be significant reduced.

Contact information PRI-NET

The PRI-NET office is located in the Netherlands.
You can reach us by e-mail: