
Contact lists PRI-NET and Device

In PRI-NET you have two visual contact lists. You can choose the contact list "My Device" from your phone/current device or the PRI-NET list. With both lists you can search for a contact.

In the search box on top of the lists you can not only search by name, but also all other information which can be shown by your contacts in their profiles.

My Device
The contacts of the device you use are visible in this app. You can open every contact and use the information directly to tap at the information or the icons on top of the card.
In the menu on the right side your have the possibility to:

  1. Import to PRI-NET > import a contact to PRI-NET list
  2. Delete from phone > delete the contact from your phone totally

In the 'share' section you can share your cards easily with the contacts in your device.

The PRI-NET contact list. With PRI-NET you can have four types of contacts in the list. Every type has an own icon at the right of each contact. At first the connected contacts of yourself. With this kind of contact you share your actual cards between each other. So, they always access to your current information. You can decide yourself with every connection which cards you give access to.

You can also make contacts yourself or store a static contact card you received from somebody else. This information won’t be updated by the contacts themselves, so it's not for sure that the information on a certain moment is the current information.

It’s possible to create a group in PRI-NET. You can create a group yourself, but you also can join an existing group. These groups of you are also visible in your normal contact list of PRI-NET. The groups that you are connected to have an additional connection icon in front the group icon.

You can find yourself also in the PRI-NET list. Of course you will recognize yourself, but to make it more clear the icon color is the color 'PRI-NET green'.
You can open every contact and use the information directly to tap at the information or the icons on top of the card.
In the menu on the right side your have the possibility to:

  1. Connection settings > adjust your settings regarding to the contact.
  2. Disconnect > remove the contact / connection with this contact
  3. Import to phone > copy this contact to your device
  4. Share > share this contact ‘with anyone’