
PRI-NET menu interface and icon functions

The menu items can be found at the top of the app in the header. The header contains several (quick) icons to PRI-NET functions that are frequently used. Header icon functions from left to right:

PRI-NET Header Menu
  1. Main menu
    Opens the PRI-NET main menu
  2. Contacts
    Shows your PRI-NET and or device contacts
  3. Share contact
    Share on of your contacts
  4. Add contacts
    Create contacts or groups or connect to PRI-NET contacts or groups
  5. Notifications
    Shows your PRI-NET notifications
  6. App On-line / off-line status
    Shows your online status and or go offline

Main menu

All the other PRI-NET functions can be found in the main menu, click on the menu icon to open it (see above:1):

PRI-NET Main Menu
  1. My contacts
    Shows your PRI-NET and or device contacts
  2. Add contacts
    Create contacts or groups or connect to PRI-NET contacts or groups
  3. Share contact
    Share on of your contacts
  4. Settings
    Your personal contact/card settings, account settings and device settings
  5. Notifications
    Shows your PRI-NET notifications
  6. Help
    PRI-NET help & documentation
  7. Log in/out
    Log in or out of the PRI-NET app
  8. Create PRI-NET account
    Create a new PRI-NET account